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A year in the Life of the PR office by Michael, PR Team Leader.

In this week’s article our PR Team Leader, Michael, reflects back through his first year of working here at Caring For Life….. It’s February 2021 and I’ve joined CFL firmly in lockdown… so it’s Zoom meetings galore!! But wonderfully I’ve joined just in time for our service of re-dedication on Zoom. Incredible to think CFL has been going for 34 years! It’s great to refocus on the Lord we serve and proclaim.

“For we do not proclaim ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.” 2 Corinthians 4:5

Through March and I’m continuing to learn about PR systems and procedures. The phone lines are busier when the bulletin goes out. People are so faithful with their prayers and giving. April is a sad month, as CFL’s co-founder Peter Parkinson goes Home to be with Jesus. The outpouring of warm messages giving thanks for Peter’s life, from all quarters of the CFL family is truly moving but It’s is a hard time for everyone saying goodbye… and until we meet again. Into May, and slowly the pandemic is easing with more life returning to the farm. A socially distanced walk and coffee with a key worker here, the odd familiar face popping up in the yard there. All helping me understand what Caring For Life is all about. Literally walking with people through the ups and downs of life and ‘Being There’ for them, whatever it takes.

As Spring continues... Praise God for brighter evenings. Lots of daffodils everywhere. And new calves and lambs!

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22

Our weekly all staff prayer meetings are still on Zoom… and so JP always points out, “remember to unmute yourselves when you pray, otherwise it will just be you and God!” Always makes me chuckle. There’s a cycle to the work of PR. Middle of the month a flurry of activity around the bulletin followed by church prayer points. Hannah who leads on our trust applications is busy too!! …And we’re on the road again meeting churches so there’s always a box of leaflets to be made up. Into June and July and plans for our Supporters Day in September are heating up. We’re praying we’ll be able to go ahead!

Did someone say Harvest?? Busy, busy, as fast on the heels of a super Supporters’ Day, a tidal wave of food starts to arrive. PR is busy meeting and greeting, processing gifts and dispatching thank you letters…. Pam and Natasha seem in their element chatting to supporters. It’s an exciting time. December and the excitement of Christmas. Christmas day is so special at CFL. Beks from our office is on duty along with various others. Lots of our folk are coming to the farm for a turkey dinner after Christmas morning church services. It is so special to celebrate Jesus’ birth with those in our care.

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”) Matthew 1:23

Into 2022, and before we all know it… it’s February; time to celebrate 35 years of CFL, and our annual service of re-dedication, but this time in person! Praise God! What a great year it’s been and throughout we have been kept by our ever-faithful God and the wonderful prayers and encouragement of our supporters.

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