Pancake Tuesday has always been a bit of a big deal here at Caring For Life. Pre COVID, Pancake Tuesday would have seen folks gathered together in the centre for our annual pancake flipping competition. This is always highly competitive, the aim being to see how many times the pancake can be tossed in 60 seconds. Those taking part, intensely focus to ensure that they get the best score and those watching count together the tosses completed with lots of cheering.
This year, things had to be a little different, but the fun of pancake Tuesday could not be missed. Armed with games, pancake ingredients and really bad pancake themed jokes, people zoomed in on Pancake Tuesday.
The zoom session began with making pancakes, with lots of mixing and mess to follow suit. Everyone really enjoyed seeing them being made and debating what was the best topping to finish it off. The art of the flipping the pancake really is a science, with some individuals not being impressed that staff were cheating by using a spatula!
This was followed with a pancake themed quiz during which we learnt that 52 million eggs are used on Pancake Tuesday each year. This led to much discussion from individuals who attend our poultry project on how long it would take them to clean, sort and get ready 52 million eggs – they seemed up for the challenge!
We finished off by designing the best pancake ever. Everyone threw lots of ingredients into the mix to create the dream CFL pancake. From savoury to sweet, nothing was left out. Dreams are big for next years’ Pancake Tuesday with Mark, our chef having a request of over 50 toppings to create the ideal pancake!!
All in all, despite not being able to be together physically, the laughter, fun and ability to spend time chatting and joking together made up for this.