As we start a new week, thank God for His faithfulness. Praise Him for all He has done for us in Christ and pray we would glorify Him in all we do with a thankful heart. Praise Him for the opportunity He has given us at Caring For Life to share His love.
Pray the Lord would give us all a compassion for the broken hearted and a spirit that weeps for the needs of others. Pray God would heal the hurting and minster to those who are in trouble.
Please pray for all those who attend the Bible studies. Pray those who lead will be equipped and inspire to proclaim the Gospel as they open up the word of God and for hearts to be responsive to listen to the Lord.
Thank the Lord for the work that takes place on the farm and pray for the Agricultural team as they are in the middle of calving and then lambing. Pray for a successful time and conversations to be had about the Lord.
Praise the Lord for the many different opportunities we get to engage with those in need. Pray today for those who are moving from one type of benefit to another,. Pray the process goes smoothly and for the staff helping, that they would be given wisdom.
Pray about the current Staff vacancies that the Lord would bring to us the right people to serve here; people with the correct calibre, character and with a deep love for the Lord.
Bring before the Lord those who may be vulnerable over the weekend; especially those who live in poor conditions, suffering from additions and those with poor mental health. Pray for safety and for them to seek after the Lords help, and comfort.