In recent years, it has become common for young people to take a gap year between school and further education or employment, or a year out later on before seeking work. Internships are offered by some charities and companies, enabling young people to gain experience in a role and build up their experience, or build up their CV!
Caring For Life’s Time For Jesus year is a gap year with a difference, as it provides young people with a real experience of Christian ministry, working with the staff team and getting involved in a huge variety of tasks. There are also regular, dedicated times to talk through the Christian faith and to study the Bible together.
Hannah, Matthew and Jovie joined the team this week and have been busy undertaking induction, learning their way around Crag House Farm, where Caring For Life is based, getting to know staff, volunteers and the many people attending various projects, and generally getting stuck in!
At this time of the year, one major role is to help to sort all the wonderful harvest gifts that come in, replenishing the food stores for the coming year. But whether it is sorting tins, packing up Christmas cards, helping with lunches, working on different projects, being a listening ear, or undertaking any of a myriad tasks, it is all a part of sharing the love of Jesus here at Caring For Life. And from what many former Time For Jesus volunteers have described, this gap year is an amazing experience that will stay with them, on through life.